Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 30th

I knew are awesome streak couldn't last forever, and today it ended. She was still pretty good, but she seemed extremely agitated and hyper. Pushy was also in the mix! I went out and got her (wearing not so good riding attire) and my original plan was to simply feed her her supplements and turn her out again, but it is soooo sunny and warm and I decided to ride as well.

I tacked up in my English gear and hopped on. We mostly worked on circles and bending, as well as downward transitions. I feel the time ticking by really fast as we get closer to our first show. I know we have quite a bit to refine, but I am going to try and stay calm because panicking and stressing never helps.

Our main item on the agenda would be simply clean, crisp transitions, and backing up. She has her showmanship down pretty good, and has the basics, but she gets sloppy and often pulls on my hands when we attempt to slow down. When I try to back her up, she goes crooked and even braces on the reins with her nose in the air.

These are all big things to work on, and I know they will be long-term goals, but right now I am really focusing on those. Knight's Copy is a pretty well-rounded and well-trained horse, so I don't see any huge, major problems arising ether than the kinks we should frill out.

I'm not quite sure why she was a little hot-headed today, but I have a suspicion it is because I didn't ride yesterday. I think maybe she does better when I am constantly riding her. She is normally fine when I go and hop on, but she acts slightly irregular. I think I'm going to try and ride tomorrow and see how she reacts. It may have also just been something in the air that made her a little hot.  Although, I am interested to find out.

Anyways, I got my Criminal Minds (completely ADDICTED to that show!) to watch and need to have a shower soon, so I'm going to wrap this up. Today was an alright day, but I know we can do better - and we are going to do better.

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