Saturday, April 26, 2014

April 26th

Oh gosh! Today was absolutely, incredible! I got to see so many gifted clinicians and do a bit of shopping around hundreds of booths at the Mane Event in Red Deer, Alberta. I only got to stay today, because I have a brunch tomorrow and I wasn't allowed to miss school yesterday, but it was fun while it lasted!

My mom, little brother, and I got into the car at like eight in the morning and took the hour and a half long drive down to the equine expo. It was pretty crowded when we got there, but we managed to find a parking spot. I was actually kind of nervous to be surrounded by so many amazing horsemen and horsewomen, but my excitement overruled. 

I ended up getting a bag full of brochures, coupons, and samples and can't wait to go and read through them all. As well, I bought a new purple (of course it has to match pretty much everything else I own!) haynet from Greenhawk's booth for the trailer when we go to shows and such. I also thought I would try out a new supplement with Aero after seeing the business owner do a lecture on natural remedies and healthy alternatives.

It is called "Happy Horse" from Riva's Remedies based out of BC. It sounds very intriguing and a small bag lasts you like six weeks, but the prices are pretty high at $89.99 a bag. There goes some of my birthday money! Oh well. My mare's well-being is definitely worth the extra cash. 

Anyways, it is supposed to be a good well-rounded feed to add onto your horses normal ration and helps them with digestion, etc. I figured since we are going to be busy running around this summer it might be nice to spice up her dinner with an extra touch. I am actually really excited to see how this works out, and I will definitely give a review on the product later (so keep a look out for that!).

Today was a very satisfying day although I missed riding, I still had a bunch of fun! I am hoping I can get my mom to agree to the full weekend next year, but we'll just have to see.

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