Sunday, April 27, 2014

April 27th

I have to keep this short, so I will just give a brief post tonight. This morning I woke up pretty late and had to get ready quickly for a birthday brunch. It was all good and dandy! The sun was out and it was actually quite warm. Perfect weather for riding!

As soon as we got home I headed out to the barn and using my newly acquired skills from yesterday, brought Knight in. I guess you haven't met him yet, but he is Aero's son and is currently almost two years old. I have neglected working with him for quite some time because he can be hard ot handle and doesn't respect personal space. Anyways, I was feeling brave so went and worked with him for a while. It wasn't the best, so my ride really helped boost my mood.

I worked on loping and doing some hill work tonight. It was a short session, but a good one. After, I brought her back up to the barn, gave her a really good grooming, and started her on the new "Happy Horse" supplement. Obviously it isn't going to start immediately, but I didn't have much trouble getting her to eat it so that was a good sign.

The weather is supposed to be rainy and gloomy tomorrow, so I will probably just go down and hang out with her instead of riding. I have done a lot of work with her the past few days anyways, and she deserves a nice rest.

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